Practicing Between
Meetingbrook invites the contemplation,
the conversation, and the correspondence that takes place between
traditions and the personal expressions of the sacred in individual’s
lives. It is an invitation to attend, trust & embody solitary
or communal practice…
Everyday: |
Sitting - (Centering Prayer or Zazen), |
Liturgy of the Hours - (Psalms, readings through the day), |
Conversation - (celebration of Word-with-others, or, Eucharist), |
Lectio Divina - (Repeated readings of scripture/sutras with silences) |
Walking Meditation - (Mindfulness activity), |
Engaged Service - (Intentional daily interaction); |
Monthly: |
Recollection day; |
Soul-Friend or spiritual direction meeting; |
Journal/Letter recounting an aspect of our prayer/practice; |
Yearly: |
Retreat in a monastic or retreat house setting for 3-7 days; |
Weekend solitary and silent retreat in nature wilderness setting. |
Hermitage Invitation
1) We attend to the promise and practice of Contemplation, Conversation,
Correspondence. These three ways -- of simplicity, integrity,
faithful engagement -- invite us to dwell in wholeness and loving-kindness,
an ordinary being-with-others, solitude, & seeing no-other.
2) We trust God at center, Christing companionship, revealing guidance
of Sacred Spirit. In this Sacred Presence, we participate in the ongoing
creation of the Hermitage.
3) We trust the compassionate, enlightening, and freeing presence
of Christ, Buddha & all holy ones to invite, gather & guide
all creation & sentient beings to live in peace, love, justice,
spirit and truth.
4) We trust the Buddhist Shunyata and Christian Kenosis
experience of emptying, mirroring, transparency, unbounded openness.
We trust the Jitai experience, the Itself, the
returning to present actual reality. We pray and practice what silence
invites: creating, wording, embodying.
5) We attend, trust, and seek to embody the Bodhisattva
& Saint way: to embody the dwelling place of the Alone, to
remain present, to step aside & make room for others in that holy

He emptied himself…(Philippians 2)
In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and in trust
shall be your strength.
3. Life is what it is about;/ I want no truck with death.(In Keeping Quiet by Pablo Neruda)
Better to see the face than
hear the name. (Zen saying)