Bookshop & Bakery

A Place of Collation and Recollection at Camden Harbor
MEETINGBROOK Bookshop & Bakery began 29 June1996.
It is housed in a small cape built in the 1700s & moved to its current
harbor location, 50 Bayview Street, Camden Maine, 04843 (next to The Waterfront
With summer harbor patio and winter roundtable & fireplace
we offer a quiet place with hot chocolate, tea & coffee on the house.
of hospitality bringing individuals together in conversation, reflection,
& nourishment. The shop includes: - new, remaindered, and used Books
specializing in Philosophy, Spirituality, World Religions & Scriptures,
Contemplative Meditative traditions East/West, Poetry, Prayer, Art, Ecology,
Nature, Myth & Folklore.
Bakery retails muffins, pastries, cakes, pies, Tortes and strudel,
cookies, soups, bread & other delights, coffees, teas. - We also have
Art - icons, religious articles, paintings, sculpture, Music
- CDs & cassettes of chant, sacred, classical, folk, voice &
instrument of many cultures and traditions, Tapes lectures, books
on tape, videos to purchase or rent, and Magazines.
Both Bakery and Bookshop will do special
Our Intent...is to carry a diverse
collection of thoughtful literature encouraging ecumenical, interfaith,
inter-religious dialogue for those on traditional or non-traditional spiritual
paths -- and be a resource for those considering anew their personal exploration
and experience. We will invite local and visiting thinkers and practitioners
to present their thoughts and work in art or craft, poetry, spirituality,
science, music, design, and other recollections of inspiration. We have
scheduled events Tuesday through Friday evenings from 5:30pm-6:30pm.
We'd like your books... 
It is our hope to fill our small shop with a wonderfully large collection
of new, remaindered, and used books, including children's books. We know
you have books no longer receiving attention and time, books others will
be delighted to read. We'd love donations of your used books that fall
within our niche. We'd accept them as gifts for the Hermitage library
or for store credit.
In Summary: Help us create a resource place of
hospitality, reflection and conversation. As lay contemplatives interested
in practicing the heart of monastic spirituality in both marketplace
and hermitage, we are rooted in Catholic contemplative and Zen mindfulness
traditions. We practice between these traditions and welcome the spiritual
insights of other traditions on the sacredness of creation, gifts of nature,
and care of all sentient beings, the life of God at center. We look forward
to meeting many individuals & paths.
Meetingbrook encourages each to engage in a profound and hospitable practice
in the solitude of your heart & in the community of your home neighborhood.
We wish you life-within-God, mindfulness, & peace!
Come visit or write and participate in Meetingbrooks ongoing creation.
1. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one
who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
2. When we are in touch with the highest spirit in ourselves, we
too are a Buddha, filled with the Holy Spirit, and we become very tolerant,
very open, very deep, and very understanding." - Thich Nhat Hanh
Living Buddha, Living Christ
3. The Thin Place, -- between prayer & politics, work &
worship, secular & sacred is where we seek the rebuilding
of the common life. - (George MacLeod, founder of The Iona Community)
With gratitude,
William Halpin & Saskia Huising