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May 2001 Events
All Events at MEETINGBROOK are free, open & informal


a) Conversations in the Thin Place resumes May11, 6:30-800pm. held at, and in collaboration with, the Camden Public Library. Mark Burrows leads with Passion and Poetry;
b) Meetingbrook Conversations in Prison begin May18 in Thomaston MSP;
c) Saturday Morning Retreats at the Hermitage (monthly seven hours of mindfulness sitting, silence, work, walking, brunch, & conversation) begin May19th (and subsequent 3rd Saturdays of the month) 6am-1pm. Begin with Christian theme the 19th. (Next month alternates with Buddhist). 

SUNDAY EVENING PRACTICE AT THE HERMITAGE Each Sunday evening, 6:00pm-8:00pm. Practice Schedule: Silent Sitting, Walking Meditation, Silent Sitting (20-10-20min each); A 5-10min reading, or, Practice Reflection (by participant), Soup & Bread (taken mindfully partially in silence, partially with conversation), then final chanting either Compline (Christian Night Prayer, 13, 27 May.) or Heart Sutra (Buddhist Prajna Paramita, 6, 20 May.) alternating every other Sunday.  All welcome. Bring nothing but willingness to practice with others.

MORNING PRACTICE AT THE HERMITAGE.  (6:05am-6:35am) Silent Sitting - 30 minutes, 7 mornings; (6:40am-7:00am) Chanting & Mindfulness Walking -- at MEETINGBROOK Dogen & Francis HERMITAGE, 64 Barnestown Rd. (at Snow Bowl, bottom of hill, on left, white gate). For Sitting: enter, sit, and leave -- in silence.

Mon., Wed., Fri.

6:05-6:35am Silent Sitting.

6:40am-7:00am Lauds Morning Prayer.

Tue., Thurs.,

6:05-6:35am Silent Sitting,

6:40am-7:00am Mindfulness Walking, Heart Sutra


6:05-6:35am Silent Sitting,

6:40am-7:40am Lectio Divina
(reading/conversing of scripture)


6:05-6:35am Silent Sitting, 


You are invited to any of these practices. Attend one or the other or both of a morning. Each is distinct and discrete.

At the Bookshop/Bakery

(Led by Susan Smith-Hudson.)
Zen Practice/Studies 5:30pm-6:30pm   Currently reading book Interbeing by Thich Nhat Hanh,
Maybe Zen, Maybe Not 6:45pm-7: 45pm Metta (Compassion) Practice/Study. Currently reading book Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism by Chogyam Trungpa

WEDNESDAY EVENING CONVERSATIONS: 5:30pm. -6:30pm. These conversations are free, open, informal.

 For Power of Now we will read aloud for circa 30 minutes, then converse about the implications personal and communal. Attend any or all. Each will be a session unto itself.

Wed. 2May01 -

Topic: Engaged Practice on the Streets of Quebec, Led by Delia Mae Farris & Nancy Button

Wed.  9May01 -

Topic: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle: An open reading circle

Wed. 16May01 -

Topic: Personality and the Soul, Facilitated by book’s author, Philip Groce
Wed. 23May01 - Topic: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle: An open reading circle
Wed. 30May01 - Topic: Remembering those Dead or Imprisoned for Peace, Facilitated by Meir Honan et al

THURSDAY EVENING CHRISTIAN CONTEMPLATION STUDIES: 5:30pm-6:30pm. We read aloud for 30 minutes, then converse. Currently beginning Everything Belongs, The Gift of Contemplative Prayer, by Richard Rohr. Come any week. Each week we pick up wherever we left off. No need to read outside of the hour.

  FRIDAY EVENING OPEN POETRY READING, 5:30p.m. - 6:30p.m.  Open reading gathering invites anyone to bring poetry to read, whether your own or others’. Invited under “poetry” are Poems, Letters & Pieces of Journals. We read around the circle at least twice, followed by a brief silence, then discussion.

MUSIC REHEARSALAn opportunity to rehearse individually in ease in a public place, anytime, call or just show up. Also, each Wednesday & Sunday afternoon 1-3:30pm, group playing, join in.

    Open Daily by 10:30am –6:45pm          Closed Mondays         
Let us order your books and music! Thanks!

(207) 236-6808  (1-800) 510 MEET
(Call for any announcements re events at shop or hermitage etc)

April 01 Events
March 01 Events
February 01 Events
January 01 Events
December 00 Events
November 00 Events
October 00 Events
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June 00 Events
May 00 Events



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Meetingbrook Hermitage
64 Barnstown Rd.,
Camden, Maine USA 04843
Meetingbrook Bookshop & Bakery
50 Bayview St. (Cape on the harbor)
Camden, Maine USA 04843
e-mail: mono@meetingbrook.org

© Meetingbrook Dogen & Francis Hermitage

Web design by Karl Gottshalk